相信大家會搜尋進來,應該也是為了更快速完成測驗,貼心的我們懂你❤資料均網路上蒐集整理,僅供參考。大家善用Ctrl+F搜尋題目關鍵字,相信很快就找到答案。問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :騎自行車 Signing Up for the Gym At the Gym Dietsv Cycling 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :商品退稅v Tax Refund at the Store Tax Refund at the Airport Annual Performance Review Shopping for Souvenirs 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :買紀念品 Tax Refund at the Store Tax Refund at the Airport Annual Performance Reviewv Shopping for Souvenirs 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :電話留言 Talking to an Office Receptionist Calling In for Sick Leave Schedule Meeting Timev Taking a Phone Message 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :配對餐點 Party D?cor Party Venue Dress Codev Party Food 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :網路酸民 Summer Jobs Going to the Militaryv Internet Trolls Online Business 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :協商房租v Negotiating the Rent Apartment Hunting Scheduling an Apartment Viewing Opening a Bank Account 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :在郵局 Information Deskv At the Post Office At the Police Station Lost & Found 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :打電話請病假 Talking to an Office Receptionistv Calling In for Sick Leave Schedule Meeting Time Taking a Phone Message 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :塗鴉v Graffiti Plastic Bags Pets Air Pollution 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :服務臺v Information Desk At the Post Office At the Police Station Lost & Found 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :派對裝飾v Party D?cor Party Venue Dress Code Party Food 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :到警局備案 Information Desk At the Post Officev At the Police Station Lost & Found 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :感冒和流感 Annual Health Checkupv Colds and Flus Laser Eye Surgery Dealing with Acne 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :購買耳環 Buying a New Phone Convenience Storesv Buying Earrings Buying Shoes 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :失物招領 Information Desk At the Post Office At the Police Stationv Lost & Found 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :在健身房 Signing Up for the Gymv At the Gym Diets Cycling 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :機場退稅 Tax Refund at the Storev Tax Refund at the Airport Annual Performance Review Shopping for Souvenirs 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :服裝規定 Party D?cor Party Venuev Dress Code Party Food 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :報名健身v Signing Up for the Gym At the Gym Diets Cycling 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :便利商店 Buying a New Phonev Convenience Stores Buying Earrings Buying Shoes 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :購買鞋子 Buying a New Phone Convenience Stores Buying Earringsv Buying Shoes 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :在美國點餐 Ordering Drinks app Food Delivery Apps Ordering Food at a Drive-Thruv Ordering Breakfast in America 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :空氣汙染 Graffiti Plastic Bags Petsv Air Pollution 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :線上商務 Summer Jobs Going to the Military Internet Trollsv Online Business 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :在得來速點餐 Ordering Drinks app Food Delivery Appsv Ordering Food at a Drive-Thru Ordering Breakfast in America 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :節食減重 Signing Up for the Gym At the Gymv Diets Cycling 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :年度健康檢查v Annual Health Checkup Colds and Flus Laser Eye Surgery Dealing with Acne 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :寵物 Graffiti Plastic Bagsv Pets Air Pollution 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :颱風來襲 Earthquake Typhoon Dayv Typhoons Rainstorm 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :暴風雨 Earthquake Typhoon Day Typhoonsv Rainstorm 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :安排會議 Talking to an Office Receptionist Calling In for Sick Leavev Schedule Meeting Time Taking a Phone Message 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :痘痘護理 Annual Health Checkup Colds and Flus Laser Eye Surgeryv Dealing with Acne 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :暑期打工v Summer Jobs Going to the Military Internet Trolls Online Business 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :點飲料v Ordering Drinks app Food Delivery Apps Ordering Food at a Drive-Thru Ordering Breakfast in America 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :年度績效考核 Tax Refund at the Store Tax Refund at the Airportv Annual Performance Review Shopping for Souvenirs 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :派對地點 Party D?corv Party Venue Dress Code Party Food 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :雷射近視手術 Annual Health Checkup Colds and Flusv Laser Eye Surgery Dealing with Acne 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :餐飲外送 Ordering Drinksv app Food Delivery Apps Ordering Food at a Drive-Thru Ordering Breakfast in America 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :服兵役 Summer Jobsv Going to the Military Internet Trolls Online Business 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :颱風天 Earthquakev Typhoon Day Typhoons Rainstorm 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :和辦公室櫃檯談話v Talking to an Office Receptionist Calling In for Sick Leave Schedule Meeting Time Taking a Phone Message 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :約看公寓 Negotiating the Rent Apartment Huntingv Scheduling an Apartment Viewing Opening a Bank Account 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :塑膠袋 Graffitiv Plastic Bags Pets Air Pollution 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :找尋公寓 Negotiating the Rentv Apartment Hunting Scheduling an Apartment Viewing Opening a Bank Account 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :地震v Earthquake Typhoon Day Typhoons Rainstorm 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :銀行開戶 Negotiating the Rent Apartment Hunting Scheduling an Apartment Viewingv Opening a Bank Account 問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :買新手機v Buying a New Phone Convenience Stores Buying Earrings Buying Shoes
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :騎自行車
Signing Up for the Gym
At the Gym
v Cycling
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :商品退稅
v Tax Refund at the Store
Tax Refund at the Airport
Annual Performance Review
Shopping for Souvenirs
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :買紀念品
Tax Refund at the Store
Tax Refund at the Airport
Annual Performance Review
v Shopping for Souvenirs
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :電話留言
Talking to an Office Receptionist
Calling In for Sick Leave
Schedule Meeting Time
v Taking a Phone Message
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :配對餐點
Party D?cor
Party Venue
Dress Code
v Party Food
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :網路酸民
Summer Jobs
Going to the Military
v Internet Trolls
Online Business
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :協商房租
v Negotiating the Rent
Apartment Hunting
Scheduling an Apartment Viewing
Opening a Bank Account
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :在郵局
Information Desk
v At the Post Office
At the Police Station
Lost & Found
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :打電話請病假
Talking to an Office Receptionist
v Calling In for Sick Leave
Schedule Meeting Time
Taking a Phone Message
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :塗鴉
v Graffiti
Plastic Bags
Air Pollution
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :服務臺
v Information Desk
At the Post Office
At the Police Station
Lost & Found
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :派對裝飾
v Party D?cor
Party Venue
Dress Code
Party Food
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :到警局備案
Information Desk
At the Post Office
v At the Police Station
Lost & Found
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :感冒和流感
Annual Health Checkup
v Colds and Flus
Laser Eye Surgery
Dealing with Acne
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :購買耳環
Buying a New Phone
Convenience Stores
v Buying Earrings
Buying Shoes
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :失物招領
Information Desk
At the Post Office
At the Police Station
v Lost & Found
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :在健身房
Signing Up for the Gym
v At the Gym
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :機場退稅
Tax Refund at the Store
v Tax Refund at the Airport
Annual Performance Review
Shopping for Souvenirs
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :服裝規定
Party D?cor
Party Venue
v Dress Code
Party Food
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :報名健身
v Signing Up for the Gym
At the Gym
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :便利商店
Buying a New Phone
v Convenience Stores
Buying Earrings
Buying Shoes
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :購買鞋子
Buying a New Phone
Convenience Stores
Buying Earrings
v Buying Shoes
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :在美國點餐
Ordering Drinks
app Food Delivery Apps
Ordering Food at a Drive-Thru
v Ordering Breakfast in America
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :空氣汙染
Plastic Bags
v Air Pollution
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :線上商務
Summer Jobs
Going to the Military
Internet Trolls
v Online Business
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :在得來速點餐
Ordering Drinks
app Food Delivery Apps
v Ordering Food at a Drive-Thru
Ordering Breakfast in America
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :節食減重
Signing Up for the Gym
At the Gym
v Diets
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :年度健康檢查
v Annual Health Checkup
Colds and Flus
Laser Eye Surgery
Dealing with Acne
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :寵物
Plastic Bags
v Pets
Air Pollution
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :颱風來襲
Typhoon Day
v Typhoons
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :暴風雨
Typhoon Day
v Rainstorm
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :安排會議
Talking to an Office Receptionist
Calling In for Sick Leave
v Schedule Meeting Time
Taking a Phone Message
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :痘痘護理
Annual Health Checkup
Colds and Flus
Laser Eye Surgery
v Dealing with Acne
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :暑期打工
v Summer Jobs
Going to the Military
Internet Trolls
Online Business
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :點飲料
v Ordering Drinks
app Food Delivery Apps
Ordering Food at a Drive-Thru
Ordering Breakfast in America
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :年度績效考核
Tax Refund at the Store
Tax Refund at the Airport
v Annual Performance Review
Shopping for Souvenirs
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :派對地點
Party D?cor
v Party Venue
Dress Code
Party Food
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :雷射近視手術
Annual Health Checkup
Colds and Flus
v Laser Eye Surgery
Dealing with Acne
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :餐飲外送
Ordering Drinks
v app Food Delivery Apps
Ordering Food at a Drive-Thru
Ordering Breakfast in America
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :服兵役
Summer Jobs
v Going to the Military
Internet Trolls
Online Business
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :颱風天
v Typhoon Day
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :和辦公室櫃檯談話
v Talking to an Office Receptionist
Calling In for Sick Leave
Schedule Meeting Time
Taking a Phone Message
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :約看公寓
Negotiating the Rent
Apartment Hunting
v Scheduling an Apartment Viewing
Opening a Bank Account
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :塑膠袋
v Plastic Bags
Air Pollution
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :找尋公寓
Negotiating the Rent
v Apartment Hunting
Scheduling an Apartment Viewing
Opening a Bank Account
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :地震
v Earthquake
Typhoon Day
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :銀行開戶
Negotiating the Rent
Apartment Hunting
Scheduling an Apartment Viewing
v Opening a Bank Account
問:請選出一個最合適的英文 :買新手機
v Buying a New Phone
Convenience Stores
Buying Earrings
Buying Shoes