相信大家會搜尋進來,應該也是為了更快速完成測驗,貼心的我們懂你❤資料均網路上蒐集整理,僅供參考。大家善用Ctrl+F搜尋題目關鍵字,相信很快就找到答案。問:The demand for storage has grown more than 70% annually in recent years。 ○v ╳ 問:Existing Big Data Techniquesfor few examples? Data processing Supervised learning Optimizationv 以上皆是 問:Big Data is data whose scale, diversity, and complexity require new architecture, techniques, algorithms, and analytics to manage it and extract value and hidden knowledge from it。v ○ ╳ 問:目前眾多AI人工智慧最被廣為人知的是?v AlphaGo Tesla Autopilot Intel 以上皆是 問:Infant Crying Analysis 是KID LAB藉由分析嬰兒哭聲來得知嬰兒想表達的事。v ○ ╳ 問:在工業4.0中AI佔有舉足輕重的地位。v ○ ╳ 問:By the Internet Live Stats- Google Search Statistics, Google handles number of search queries over 10 billion per day。 ○v ╳ 問:IBM、Microsoft、 Hanover 都相繼投入AI相關的醫學研究。v ○ ╳ 問:Everywhere and everything and anytime can see AI。v ○ ╳ 問:KID Lab最主要研發的項目有哪些? DATA MINING MACHINE LEARNING AIv 以上皆是 問:Tsla Autopilot 並無使用AI相關應用。 ○v ╳ 問:In this time we can't see AI everywhere。 ○v ╳ 問:A good sensor in the right position can have ______。 More accurate reportsv More accurate predictions Detection of air pollution sources 以上皆是 問:Data Mining & Database System 包含了哪些項目? Social network analysis Spatial temporal data mining Big data analysisv 以上皆是 問:Business (retail) uses Big Data analysis to target customers and markets。v ○ ╳ 問:The digital universe will grow from 3.2 zettabytes in 2013 to 40 zettabytes in 2020。v ○ ╳ 問:講師研究室所研發的空氣品質監測的系統簡稱為QQAQ。v ○ ╳ 問:Where is data stored? Distributed Processingv Distributed Storage Distributed Servers High-performance schema-free database 問:Drivers can be classified in two parts:1.Technical Drivers 2.Business Drivers。v ○ ╳ 問:現存幾個較大的搜尋引擎中皆有AI的應用。v ○ ╳
問:The demand for storage has grown more than 70% annually in recent years。
v ╳
問:Existing Big Data Techniquesfor few examples?
Data processing
Supervised learning
v 以上皆是
問:Big Data is data whose scale, diversity, and complexity require new architecture, techniques, algorithms, and analytics to manage it and extract value and hidden knowledge from it。
v ○
v AlphaGo
Tesla Autopilot
問:Infant Crying Analysis 是KID LAB藉由分析嬰兒哭聲來得知嬰兒想表達的事。
v ○
v ○
問:By the Internet Live Stats- Google Search Statistics, Google handles number of search queries over 10 billion per day。
v ╳
問:IBM、Microsoft、 Hanover 都相繼投入AI相關的醫學研究。
v ○
問:Everywhere and everything and anytime can see AI。
v ○
問:KID Lab最主要研發的項目有哪些?
v 以上皆是
問:Tsla Autopilot 並無使用AI相關應用。
v ╳
問:In this time we can't see AI everywhere。
v ╳
問:A good sensor in the right position can have ______。
More accurate reports
v More accurate predictions
Detection of air pollution sources
問:Data Mining & Database System 包含了哪些項目?
Social network analysis
Spatial temporal data mining
Big data analysis
v 以上皆是
問:Business (retail) uses Big Data analysis to target customers and markets。
v ○
問:The digital universe will grow from 3.2 zettabytes in 2013 to 40 zettabytes in 2020。
v ○
v ○
問:Where is data stored?
Distributed Processing
v Distributed Storage
Distributed Servers
High-performance schema-free database
問:Drivers can be classified in two parts:1.Technical Drivers 2.Business Drivers。
v ○
v ○