相信大家會搜尋進來,應該也是為了更快速完成測驗,貼心的我們懂你❤資料均網路上蒐集整理,僅供參考。大家善用Ctrl+F搜尋題目關鍵字,相信很快就找到答案。問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:過頭了 Roll Over in Your Grave To Wear Many Hatsv To Be Extra Beggars Can't be Choosers 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:現金才是王道 Catch Someone Red handedv Cash is King Pick Your Poison To be Resigned to Your Fate 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:已讀不回 Jinx Go Green! Zero to Herov Left on Read 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:響應環保 Jinxv Go Green! Zero to Hero Left on Read 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:Jinx的意思v Jinx Go Green! Zero to Hero Left on Read 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:情義相挺 Inside Job Null and Voidv To Stick Your Neck Out Baseball: an American Tradition 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:不切實際的夢想 Two Thumbs Upv Castles in the Sky Buzzy Wild Card 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:太過昂貴 What a Nightmarev Break the Bank Meet Cute Giving the Cold Shoulder 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:炫耀/炫耀文化 Time is moneyv Flexing/Flex culture Have a Beef with Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:別無選擇 Roll Over in Your Grave To Wear Many Hats To Be Extrav Beggars Can't be Choosers 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:認命 Catch Someone Red handed Cash is King Pick Your Poisonv To be Resigned to Your Fate 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:引領風潮 Two Thumbs Up Castles in the Skyv Buzzy Wild Card 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:時間就是金錢v Time is money Flexing/Flex culture Have a Beef with Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:貪心/手癢 Time is money Flexing/Flex culture Have a Beef withv Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:玩弄 Pig Out Using Shorthand Face the Musicv Toy With Something 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:噩夢一場v What a Nightmare Break the Bank Meet Cute Giving the Cold Shoulder 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:刻意冷落 What a Nightmare Break the Bank Meet Cutev Giving the Cold Shoulder 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:抓個正著v Catch Someone Red handed Cash is King Pick Your Poison To be Resigned to Your Fate 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:棒球: 一項美國傳統 Inside Job Null and Void To Stick Your Neck Outv Baseball: an American Tradition 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:內賊犯罪v Inside Job Null and Void To Stick Your Neck Out Baseball: an American Tradition 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:失效 Inside Jobv Null and Void To Stick Your Neck Out Baseball: an American Tradition 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:令人震驚v Roll Over in Your Grave To Wear Many Hats To Be Extra Beggars Can't be Choosers 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:可愛的邂逅 What a Nightmare Break the Bankv Meet Cute Giving the Cold Shoulder 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:面對現實 Pig Out Using Shorthandv Face the Music Toy With Something 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:難以預測的人或事情 Two Thumbs Up Castles in the Sky Buzzyv Wild Card 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:身兼數職 Roll Over in Your Gravev To Wear Many Hats To Be Extra Beggars Can't be Choosers 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:兩難擇一 Catch Someone Red handed Cash is Kingv Pick Your Poison To be Resigned to Your Fate 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:對某人不滿 Time is money Flexing/Flex culturev Have a Beef with Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:鹹魚翻身 Jinx Go Green!v Zero to Hero Left on Read 問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:高度評價v Two Thumbs Up Castles in the Sky Buzzy Wild Card
Roll Over in Your Grave
To Wear Many Hats
v To Be Extra
Beggars Can't be Choosers
Catch Someone Red handed
v Cash is King
Pick Your Poison
To be Resigned to Your Fate
Go Green!
Zero to Hero
v Left on Read
v Go Green!
Zero to Hero
Left on Read
v Jinx
Go Green!
Zero to Hero
Left on Read
Inside Job
Null and Void
v To Stick Your Neck Out
Baseball: an American Tradition
Two Thumbs Up
v Castles in the Sky
Wild Card
What a Nightmare
v Break the Bank
Meet Cute
Giving the Cold Shoulder
Time is money
v Flexing/Flex culture
Have a Beef with
Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers
Roll Over in Your Grave
To Wear Many Hats
To Be Extra
v Beggars Can't be Choosers
Catch Someone Red handed
Cash is King
Pick Your Poison
v To be Resigned to Your Fate
Two Thumbs Up
Castles in the Sky
v Buzzy
Wild Card
v Time is money
Flexing/Flex culture
Have a Beef with
Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers
Time is money
Flexing/Flex culture
Have a Beef with
v Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers
Pig Out
Using Shorthand
Face the Music
v Toy With Something
v What a Nightmare
Break the Bank
Meet Cute
Giving the Cold Shoulder
What a Nightmare
Break the Bank
Meet Cute
v Giving the Cold Shoulder
v Catch Someone Red handed
Cash is King
Pick Your Poison
To be Resigned to Your Fate
問:請選出最接近中文意思的英文:棒球: 一項美國傳統
Inside Job
Null and Void
To Stick Your Neck Out
v Baseball: an American Tradition
v Inside Job
Null and Void
To Stick Your Neck Out
Baseball: an American Tradition
Inside Job
v Null and Void
To Stick Your Neck Out
Baseball: an American Tradition
v Roll Over in Your Grave
To Wear Many Hats
To Be Extra
Beggars Can't be Choosers
What a Nightmare
Break the Bank
v Meet Cute
Giving the Cold Shoulder
Pig Out
Using Shorthand
v Face the Music
Toy With Something
Two Thumbs Up
Castles in the Sky
v Wild Card
Roll Over in Your Grave
v To Wear Many Hats
To Be Extra
Beggars Can't be Choosers
Catch Someone Red handed
Cash is King
v Pick Your Poison
To be Resigned to Your Fate
Time is money
Flexing/Flex culture
v Have a Beef with
Itchy palm/ Itchy fingers
Go Green!
v Zero to Hero
Left on Read
v Two Thumbs Up
Castles in the Sky
Wild Card